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B a h j a t  R a z z a q  J a a f a r  M u h y e d e e n

Professor of Nuclear and Quantum

(B.Sc., M.S c., Ph.D., MACS, MRSC, FRSC, CChem, CSci, CEnv)

Bahjat Razzaq Jaafar Muhyedeen


(Born in 1957 in Iraq) is an Iraqi theoretical nuclear and quantum chemist. He is a retired professor of Quantum Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry at The College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq – now living in Baghdad.

Muhyedeen has published some forty two papers in various fields including physical and theoreticalnuclear research and quantum sciences. His most recent and highly controversial papers arepublished in the European Journal of Scientific Research. The first document entitled "On a Heuristic Viewpoints Concerning the Mass, Energy and Light Concepts in Quantum Physics"[ 1 ]

He disputes without any evidence the current thinking that the mass and energy[ 2 ] are inter convertible. Energy is of wave nature while mass is of particle nature. Mass everywhere in the universe comes from a single particle (elementary or composite) or from the atoms within it.

All atoms consist of a nucleus (Protons and Neutrons made up of two basic building blocks the magneton and its anti-magneton particles) surrounded by a number of electrons and the atoms of each element are unique. There is no means to covert an electromagnetic wave to any particle. The suggested Higgs Boson which will help in this process is not possible. Current thinking is that when electrons and positrons collide, they will disintegrate into basic building magnetons because matter is quantized.

Muhyedeen said there are several problems with current nuclear theory. The variation in masses of the proton and the neutron in different nuclei are attributed to binding energy – which is different in different nuclear configurations. The annihilation of matter with anti-matter due to the mass-energy equivalence which still has different explanations and the process does not satisfy all laws of conservation. The quarks share only 1% of the proton and neutron mass and the reminder come from the kinetic energy. The sources of the energy carriers i.e. photons, W and Z are still unclear and their mechanism as intermediate vector bosons are considered as "virtual" processes”. They don't occur directly as physical processes, but are useful to consider as elements of perturbation theory calculations. Moreover, if the photons and the bosons are part of the same electroweak forces, as Salam-Weinberg-Glashow claimed, then why the photon is massless while W and Z have masses more than 85 times that of a proton. Furthermore, some scientists search for Higgs boson to grant the mass to the photons and some others estimated its mass in the range of 104 6 – 105 2 Kg. If these masses values of the photon are confirmed then the photoelectric effect and Compton Effect have to be reviewed as such tiny mass cannot impact the electron.


Muhyedeen wrote a new Magneton Theory in nuclear science. He said that a new theory is hereby proposed which is founded on the concept of quantized elementary discrete mass particles, called herein the Magneton and Anti-Magneton. The particles are conceived to be spinning magnetic dipoles with sufficient mass to produce the dipole-dipole interaction sufficient to act at ultra-short range – the source of the Nuclear Force Field (NFF) - which now has a gravitational component. Since the NFF contains this component it can be thought of as the long searched for Unified Field. The theory is termed the Nuclear Magneton Theory, or NMT.

The aim of this new theory is set up an innovative bases and principles in nuclear science to avoid the old concept of mass-energy conversion. It is the “Nuclear Magneton Theory of Mass Quantization”, NMT. This theory will explain how the matter in the universe is built from the two particles only, which are magneton and its anti-magneton particle. These magnetons are well-known as electron-neutrinos – alluded to by the physics community. NMT believes that the behavior of magnetons inside the fermion is different than their behavior outside of the fermion. Inside the fermion these magnetons exist as compact circular packages of quantized mass and are bound through very high nuclear forces of ultra-short range while outside of the fermion exist as very tiny and weak particles retaining a small mass and magnetic properties which are represented by electron-neutrino (stable neutrino). All other types of neutrinos like muons and tau neutrinos are thought to be packages of magnetons of different masses which are unstable and finally will be disintegrated into single stable neutrino as we will see in forthcoming paragraphs.

NMT Concepts: The NMT theory does not rely on mass-energy conversion to describe the nuclear reactions and processes and binding energies in the nuclei but use its own mass-energy conformity principle. NMT has totally different interpretations than the primitive β-rays theory of Fermi of 1934 where he proposed that the electrons and neutrinos can be created or annihilated. NMT confirms that there is no annihilation into photons in the matter but rather disintegration into magnetons because matter is quantized. The NMT concepts are considered as a parallel to the concepts of the theory of Standard-Model Extension(SMET). NMT concepts represent new philosophical visions in nuclear science. The NMT theory does not rely on mass-energy conversion to describe the nuclear reactions and processes and binding energies in the nuclei but use its own mass-energy conformity principle. NMT has totally different interpretations than the primitive β-ray theory of Fermi of 1934 where he proposed that the electrons and neutrinos can be created or annihilated. NMT confirmsthat there is no annihilation into photons in the matter but rather disintegration into magnetons because matter is quantized. The NMT concepts are considered as a parallel to the concepts of the theory of Standard-Model Extension (SMET). NMT concepts represent new philosophical visions in nuclear science.

Muhyedeen quantized the mass where he said “NMT is now used to confirm Mass Quantization in a similar way as Energy Quantization. The quantized mass creates the quantized energy and not vice versa. The mass in the universe is quantized and is composed of a package of elementary discrete
mass particles called magnetons.”

Muhyedeen proposed a new mass-energy principle. It is Mass-Energy-Conformity Principle. This principle discusses the concept of the energy of the moving system which conforms to its moving mass. First, in classical macro system which described by E=(mv1 )v2 , the first velocity v2 will be multiplied with the mass to give the momentum of the system while the second velocity v2 is considered as a simple unit conversion factor to convert the momentum unit to joule unit. The calculated energy here is a mathematical function for the mass. Second, in quantum micro system which described by E=(mb)c, the (mb) term represents the momentum and the second speed c is considered as a simple mathematical unit conversion factor to convert the momentum unit to joule unit. This concept is applied to the all moving non-accelerated particles such neutron, proton and electron. The calculated energy here is a mathematical function for the mass. Third, in the fermionic atto system that is composed of moving magnetons which is described by E=(mb)c, where the second speed c is a conversion factor and its multiplication with momentum (mb) will give the real amount of the energy which will be generated due the spin-rotation of the magnetons inside the fermion. Based on the principle of conformity, the amount of the energy created or released from the fermion is equivalent to the summation of the mass of the spinning-rotating magnetons. According to this concept, the magneton or its anti magneton will generate 0.050 eV E/bc (or 0.25 eV E/c2 ) inside the fermion. NMT will use this concept in all nuclear reactions and processes.

NMT adopted a neutron mass defect ∇Mn concept, based on mass quantization, instead of the normal mass defect ∇M. The general formula for ∇Mn can be written as follow: The total mass of the neutron in the nuclide= M-ZMp , where M= the spectroscopic mass of the nuclide 

(NMT) ∇Mn = Σ(M-ZMp )left-side – Σ(M-Mp )right-side, it uses Mass-Energy Conformity Principle.

This neutron mass defect ∇Mn concept is different from the Standard Model-Extended Theory, SMET, concept δM which stated that the mass excess is converted to energy. The mass excess of SMET uses both Mp and Mn :

'(SMET) Mass defect, δM=(Z'Mp + NMn )-Mm o t h e r , it uses Mass-Energy Equivalence Principle. The neutron mass defect ∇Mn which based on mass quantization and the Mass-Energy Conformity Principle are new concepts in nuclear science and considered as the main premise of NMT which
used in the nuclear calculations.

Muhyedeen concluded that the proposed nuclear theory of magnetons as the constituents of the subnuclear structure carries with it the implication that the original mass in the universe was built from two basic units – the magneton and the anti magneton. The NMT confirm that the mass in the universe is quantized and is composed of a package of elementary discrete mass particles called magnetons. The magneton and anti-magneton were compacted under severe circumstances in star cores. These two magnetons form the assemblage or package of quantized mass which is accumulated to form fermions. The magnetons behave like rotating spinning magnetic bars inside the nucleus, which in turn creates a Strong Charged Electromagnetic Force (SCEF) field with
characteristic strong magnetic constant and self-gravity force, SGF (gravitational force) which acts in ultra-short range inside the nucleus all of which constitutes the strong Self-Nuclear Force (SSNF). Some of this energy will be used as nuclear force inside the nucleon (fermion) and the other part of the energy will be used as binding energy among the nucleons inside the nucleus. This SSNF is responsible for all types of nuclear forces as they are of the same field. It is stronger inside the nucleon than among protons and neutrons. The SSNF field represents the strong nuclear forces, weak nuclear forces, electromagnetic forces and gravitational forces therefore it is considered as a force of Unified Field. The stability of the particle and anti-particle has been discussed from four criteria points of view which are based on the concept of this NMT theory. When electron interacts with positron they will form positronium atoms of unquantized mass. These magnetons of this positronium atom will disintegrate into neutrinos, in similar manner to proton-antiproton decay, and the magneton energy will be released and recorded as 1.022 MeV. Therefore, there is no annihilation reaction as the scientific community believes. The proton has a certain number of magnetons so it has one quantized mass while the neutron has several quantized masses. The number of magnetons in a neutron is variable, depending on the number of the protons in that nuclide; therefore it has several quantized masses. The special and characteristic property of neutrons to have several quantized masses inside the nuclides are responsible for the existence of isotopes, their decay and all type of nuclear reactions. In the outline of this theory, the NMT suggests that both the electron and the proton textures have three quantized nmtionic shells, 1s t K, 2n d L and 3r d M in while the neutron texture has four quantized nmtionic shells 1s t K, 2n d L and 3r d M, and 4t h N. This Nuclear Magneton Theory (NMT) succeeded in providing an explanation of all types of decays and nuclear reactions and calculation of the Q-values based on neutron mass defect ∇Mn . The results of these calculations are with full agreement with experimental data and SMET theory calculations. This theory also succeeded in the calculation of binding energies and in prediction of the half-life and the atomic masses of the isotopes and fissile and the fissionable nuclide. It also showed that the released energy from these reactions is due to the magnetons and not due to mass conversions. The neutron mass defect ∇Mn which based on mass quantization and the Mass-Energy Conformity Principle are new concepts in nuclear science and considered as the main premise of NMT which used in the nuclear calculations.

The quantization of light by Planck is argued to be of waveform and not particle form, represented by the dummy particle photons. These discrete packets of energy are called frequentons[ 3 ] and are of wave nature. Muhyedeen said I would like to ask what the source of the photon is. Does it a part of the electromagnetic waves or it is an independent particle? If the photon is a part of the electromagnetic wave then how it becomes a particle? And if it is an independent particle then from where it comes and how it becomes an energy carrier? The idea of graviton in general relativity is discussed to be incorrect and the real attraction between the black hole and light is due to the magnetic vectors of magnetons and frequentons.

It has been shown that Arthur Compton was incorrect when he used the particle character of light – photons, in his derivation and in addition that he used me c2 to describe the electron energy in the atom which does not describe well the electron energy, Eγ +Ee = Eγ /+Ee /, where Ee =mc2 . It has been shown that the De Broglie formula, λ=h/p is correct only for a moving charged particle and incorrect for electromagnetic rays. The incorrect concept of the photon also led to the uncertainty of Heisenberg since it is based on the deflection of the electron by photon in Compton's effect. Therefore, the uncertainty of Heisenberg became invalid and we can say there is certainty in the measurement.

New Non-relativistic Mass-Energy equivalence, E=mbc

A new non-relativistic mass-energy equivalence is derived as E=mbc, where b is a novel derived universal particle speed constant and equal to  0.603797 x 108 m/s which gives to or 1amu= 187.607 MeV. The ratio of mbc/mc2 is equal to (187.607) /(931.49) = 0.2014.

Other non-relativistic quantum equations are derived for high speed charged particles such as P=mb, b=λυ, λ=h/mb and E=mb2 . The magnetic constant of the charged field μob was calculated from Maxwell’s formula and found to be equal to 3.098 x 10- 5 N/A2 and it was larger than the magnetic constant of the electromagnetic field μo by 24.65. This strong magnetic field is responsible for deflection of the beta-ray and alpha-ray when they pass an electromagnetic field.

Black Hole Density And Dark Matter In the core of the sun and stars, where the packages of magnetons are used to create the quantized fermions (e,n,p) to form the different nuclei, an enormous number of these packages of magnetons failed to attach themselves to the quantized packages of fermions, therefore these fragments of packages of magnetons changed into different agglomerates to fill the universe as dark matter as they are neither capable to absorb nor to radiate energy. Another parallel crashing process happened to the nuclei, during fusion reactions, due to these severe conditions of high temperatures, the outer Electromagnetic, OEM, shell of the nuclei became loose setting free the protons and neutrons to undergo the fusion reactions in a state of equilibrium to generate all types of elements. This phase, where the OEM shell is torn and the nucleons are free, is called “Nuclear Transparency” which represents a fifth state of matter beyond plasma. When these free nucleons experience further vehement conditions they will be crashed into unquantized masses and gigantic packages of these magnetons fly out of the stars into the universe as dark matter. These different agglomerates of magnetons will be collected again to form kernels and will be accumulated in groups and moving between the gases of the stars appearing as black spots or sunspots. NMT called these kernels as “Nuclear Magma” and this state of matter may be called the sixth state of matter. As long as these agglomerates of magneton kernels formed in an arbitrary manner they will build up amorphous massive kernels that cannot absorb or emit radiation, therefore the spots appear as dark spots and are relatively colder than the other areas with high magnetic field due to the magneton’s magnetic property. These sunspots are collected together through millions of years to form a black hole state. The high density of the magnetons of 2.23324x106 5 kg/m3 in the Nuclear Magma gives the black holes the giant dense mass which attract any mass fall under its gravity field. Due to black holes magnetic property it will also interfere with the magnetic field of waves that come near the black hole such as light.

In the second paper entitled "New Concept of Mass-Energy Equivalence" [ 4 ] he continues the Mass–energy equivalence debate and produces a new formula to replace Einstein’s famous E=mc2 with E=mbc, where b is a new derived constant in terms of speed units that represents the optimum speed reached by moving charged particles.

The Correct Meaning of E=mv2 and E=mc2
The correct meaning of E=(mv)v and E=(mc)c are discussed. The discussions show that the second v and c are conversion factors and not v2 and c2 in these two equations respectively as Einstein explained. These velocities (v and c) are used to convert the momentum units to energy units. The first v and c in both equations should be multiplied with the mass to form the momentum term. The essential issue is the momentum and not the mass, which is an absolute quantity and it will not give any indication of change, while the momentum gives a clear vision about the moving mass. The speculative Lorentz factor has also been shown to be incorrect when used in special relativity to increase the mass of the materials through change in their velocities, i.e. femto-grams or attomoles should be created from nihility or nonexistence. The relative mass, time dilation and length contraction were shown as delusive hypothesis.

The concept of inter-conversion between mass and energy is discussed in chemical reaction and nuclear reaction to show it is incorrect and that the annihilation reactions of electron-positron are pseudo processes[ 5 ] . The energy in the universe may be classified into two types of energy. These are primitive and incited energy.

a. The primitive energy : Since the Big Bang, the energy was stored mainly in two large reservoirs;

  •  binding energies of quantized levels of atomic orbits[ 6 ] .

  •  binding energies of quantized levels of nucleons of the nuclei[ 7 ] .

We daily use these stored energies in various chemical transformations and nuclear transformations and there is no mass converted to energy or vice versa. In nuclear fissionprocesses one can say that these processes lead to some spallation for very light particles carrying energy, causing huge heat. These processes may be calculated by the new equation E=mbc.

b. The incited energy : This type of energy appears when any force is applied on any body or particle. For example an earthquake causes a rock to roll down from a mountain. These processes may be calculated by E=mv2 , or a researcher accelerates a particle or atom and with a velocity near to speed of light. These processes may be calculated by E=mc2 . Other hundred examples are available.



Muhyedeen asserts that:

Energy and mass are not convertible. 

Light energy does not have mass and photons do not exist.

Max Planck The statistical treatment of the entropy of the energy resonators disclosed to us a fact that the energy of the electrons in the atomic orbital are quantized. This fact led him to energy quantization.

The equation E = mc2 is an incorrect interpretation.

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is shown to be invalid and that there is certainty in the measurement. Both special and general relativity theories are incorrect as mass does not change with velocity.


Muhyedeen predicts that:

The nucleus components are formed from magnetrons rather than quarks. The material for black holes is actually magnetrons. There are fifth state i.e. nuclear transparency and sixth state i.e. nuclear magma which finally collected as black hole for matter [ 8 ]


Professor Muhyedeen was educated in Iraq moving from primary to intermediate school in 1970 where he studied various cultural, religious and scientific subjects. He finished secondary education in 1976 to continue his studies for a B.Sc. in pure chemistry at the College of Science, University of Baghdad and was awarded the degree in 1980, being ranked 4th among 98 graduates. He was then appointed as a laboratory assistant in the chemistry department at the same college, lecturing new students on various subjects including physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry and BASIC and FORTRAN computer languages.

In 1985 he continued his studies for a M.Sc. in Nuclear Chemistry at the same university, finishing the theoretical courses the following year with distinction, being ranked first among his fellows. Practical work for the degree was carried out at the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission / Nuclear Research Centre (IAEC/NRC) using IRT-5000, 5 MWT nuclear reactor. He was awarded the degree in March 1988 and then appointed to the Department of Chemistry as assistant lecturer, assigned to the Radiochemistry laboratory, teaching senior student's practical nuclear chemistry.

The following year Muhyedeen was granted leave by the IAEC/NRC to study abroad for a Ph.D. in Nuclear Chemistry (Tritium production and purification). However, he was unable to get a placement in this field but was accepted by the University of Kentucky in the field of Nuclear Pharmacy after gaining a distinction in the general chemistry entrance examinations held at the American Scientific Attaché. Unfortunately the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait crisis intervened and the opportunity for overseas study in the USA was lost. From then until 1995 Muhyedeen continued his research and teaching, visiting the College in Jordan several times to update his scientific data. He was appointed as Assistant Professor at the College of Science and awarded leave to study for a Ph.D in Physical & Nuclear Chemistry, finishing the theoretical courses at the end of the academic year in 1996, once again being ranked first among the participants. He was awarded the Ph.D in the field of physical chemistry ( Theoretical Quantum Chemistry) in 1998.

In 2002 he was appointed Professor of Theoretical Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry at Baghdad University and in 2008 was accepted as a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC)

Professional Employment, Degrees and Theses

1980 - B.Sc., College of Science
1988 – M.Sc., College of Science/IAEC/NRC
Thesis – ‘Measurement of natural radioactivity in Iraqi cement and analysis of it’s constituent
elements using nuclear and spectrographic methods NGS, NAA and WDXRF.
1990 – Lecturer, College of Science.
1995 – Assistant Professor, College of Science
1998 – Ph.D., College of Science
Thesis – ‘Calculation of equilibrium geometry of some crown ethers and determination of their outer
electrons energy levels and comparison of their ability to form complexes with metal ions.’
2002 – Professor of Quantum and Nuclear Chemistry, College of Science.
2008 – MRSC, Accepted as Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
2012 MACS, Member of the American Chemical Society
2013 FRSC, Fellow of RSC-UK.
2014 CChem, Chartered Chemist of RSC-UK
2014 CSci, Chartered Scientist-Science Council Member-UK
2017 CEnv; Chartered Environmentalist (RSC and Society of Environment-UK)

Research and Professional Experience

Computational chemistry (advanced programs in theoretical and quantum chemistry, and in molecular sciences) Advanced analytical chemical instrumentations (spectroscopic and nuclear) Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in nuclear chemistry and quantum chemistry. Supervision of graduate students’ research for M.Sc. and Ph.D. Development of som  biologically active molecules for cancer therapy. Environmental monitoring of radiation pollution.


Development of industrial processes for the production of calcium chloride. Improvement of refining processes (production of high octane fuels) Industrial management of enterprise in the petroleum industry.

Muhyedeen retired in 2007 from university life to concentrate on business and is CEO of ECOS an oil services company. However, he continues his academic interest with research in several fields including:

  • Improvement of some biological active molecules used in cancer drugs.

  • Monitoring environmental radiation pollution.

  • Investigation of the mechanism of some reactions by theoretical studies of these systems.

  • Improvement of some industrial and refining processes.

  • Theoretical treatment of some basic concepts such as development of quantum defect, screening constant, electro negativity and reactive radii for the elements.

  • Theoretical work in quantum chemistry through various project

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