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Bahjat R.J. Muhyedeen

Professor Bahjat Muhyedeen - Iraqi Nuclear Scientist


Professor Bahjat Razzaq Jaafar Muhydeen

is an Iraqi nuclear chemist and theoretical quantum chemist. He is a retired professor of Quantum Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry at The College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq now living in Bagdhad, Iraq. His practical work for the degree was carried out at the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission / Nuclear Research Centre (IAEC/NRC) using IRT-5000, 5 MWT nuclear reactor.

Muhyedeen has published several papers in various fields including theoretical physical chemistry, quantum chemistry, organic, inorganic and analytical chemistry and nuclear sciences.

Professor Muhyedeen disputes the current thinking that the mass and energy are inter-convertible and welcomes open discussion. ( E m a i l )

He discusses the correct meaning of E=(mv)v and E=(mc)c are discussed. He considers the kinetic energy term Ek =½mv^2 of macro systems as a simple mathematical function to describe the momentum of the mass in unit of energy and it may be written as a modest multiplication of momentum p times the velocity v2 ; E=½pv2 (supposed be understood so), E=½mv1 v2 (supposed be read so), E=½mv2 (supposed be written so); the first velocity v1 represents the velocity of the moving mass which gives the momentum p=mv1 and the second velocity v2 here should be considered as unit conversion factor from momentum units to energy units therefore we can say v2 is conversion factor but not v2 . This means that the essential issue in this term E=p (½v2 ) is the
momentum p while the other two factors (i.e. ½ & v2 ) are trivial or insignificant as they do not have any physical meaning. The factor (½) is redundant and v2 is unit conversion factor to express the momentum value in joule units. This is a general rule for the calculation of kinetic energy from any
moving mass in macro system. In quantum mechanics, regarding the E=mc2 ( or E=mc1 c2 , or E=pc2 ), the correct visualization and understanding to this equation supposed be realized in the same way that explained for the kinetic energy above where c2 is a unit conversion factor but not c2 as Einstein perceived. This means that the energy equation supposed be interpreted as p times c and not m times c2 . The principle of conversion of a mass to energy or vice versa is untenable. This pioneering meaning leads to the creation of mass-energy conformity principle which will be stated later.

He derived a new non-relativistic mass-energy equivalence as E=mbc


E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light in a vacuum, which is 299,792,458 meters per second.

b is a new derived universal particle speed constant and equal to 0.603797 x 10^8 m/s which gives to or 1amu=187.607 MeV. The ratio of mbc/mc2 is equal to (187.607) / (931.49) = 0.2014.

This equivalent energy represents the amount of gamma energy released from the nuclear reactions based on Mass-Energy Conformity Principle.
Mass-Energy Conformity Principle gives gamma energy of the nuclear reaction. In contrast to E=mc^2 which overestimates the total energy of the nuclear reaction. In nuclear fission we have to add the kinetic energy to get the total energy released as follow: QT-value = QKin(mb2) + Qγ(Δmbc)+ γdelayed +βdelayed

The Total Kinetic Energy (TKE) of fission fragments due thermal neutrons (of the mass=3.55x10- 28 Kg) that results from U-235 and Pu-239 has been confirmed in the laboratory to be 160-180 MeV which is less than the Q-value of reaction predicted by Einstein’s equation E=mc^2 (200MeV for U235), while the new formula E=mbc gives 40.28 MeV for gamma ray only.

The expected total energy of one fission will be in the range of 90-130 MeV/bc.

The Q-value for fission fragments of U-235 for the following nuclear fission reactions are estimated based on the new mass-energy conformity, to be 34.82 MeV/bc.

The Q-value for n+ U-235 → Zr+94 +Te-139+ 3n is equal to 34.82 MeV/bc, the Q-value for n+ U-235→ Sr-94 + Xe-140 +2n is equal to 37.21 MeV/bc, and the Q-value for n+ U-235 → Mo-95+ La-139+2n+ 7 β is equal to 41.13 MeV/bc 

Comparison of universal particle speed constant with others

The derived universal particle speed constant b represents the optimum speed to be reached by the non-accelerated moving charged or uncharged particles or fermions. The speed constant b 6.04x10^7 m/s is equal to 0.20141 of speed of light. Of course, Bohr speed of electron is very slow (v≈ 2.18x10^6 (Z/n) m/s) if it is compared with b.

A speed of emitted neutron or proton from the decay process with 10MeV/c2 approximately launches, but cannot move with this velocity, at a speed of 6.9x10^7 m/s which is very close to the universal particle speed constant b. The speed of a-particle is of the order of 10^7 m/s. The fission product velocities will not exceed 4.5x10^7 m/s. Beta particles from high energy source possibly take off with an initial speed of about 0.6c but it cannot travel with this speed.

A traveling-wave tube (TWT) is a vacuum tube that amplifies microwave signals. The technique is based on absorbing power from an electron beam while passing through the tube. In practical TWTs, the speed of electrons passing through the tube is approximately 1/10 of the speed of light, or 0.5b. Under a voltage of 10kV, the electron speed is about 0.2c, or about b value. It can be applied in Thomson experiment and Bethe formula.

For Calculation of the theoretical β-, β-, EC Energies  please  click here

Scientific Certificates

Professional Employment, Degrees and Theses

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